The EyeForGolf System

Using the EyeForGolf viewer and aiming strip, you’ll get a perfectly clear picture of just how your ball is aligned “down the target line”. By aiming the strip at your target and aligning your golf ball and club setup through the viewer, you’ll immediately see what adjustments you need to make with your head, your eyes and the club face to get properly aligned.

Price: $44.95 + $13.50 S&H
* Additional shipping costs applied to International orders

And… There’s More!

You’ll get full-time access to our EyeForGolf “E-Book” after your purchase – with setup and practice information, videos and online support. Take it to  the driving range… Here’s a sample !

*** You’ll receive a personal password and link to the online book immediately after your purchase is confirmed

The Neutral Grip

The Neutral Grip

Jeff Belen’s Neutral Grip fits any club and assures that your hand position is in “Neutral”

Price: $9.95 + Shipping: $4.50